KIA, KPDF Capture Important SAC Camps in Hpakant Township

Kachin Independence Army (KIA) and Kachin Region People’s Defense Force (KPDF) nabbed several crucial camps from State Administration Council (SAC) simultaneously in different areas of Hpakant Township, capturing the commander of one camp alive.
“Our troops are attempting to arrest the Burma army soldiers who have escaped,” a KPDF officer explained, stating that they seized two camps on the morning of January 6.
He mentioned that they attacked Huay Hkar camp in Seng Tawng village-tract at 5 am and Nam Tein on the Myitkyina – Hpakant road at around 6 am. Both camps have been established in Kachin State for over a decade.
Huay Hkar camp provided security for a jade mine that shares the same name. The police camp in the area was also captured.
Three members of the KIA and KPDF were wounded during the fighting. The SAC also suffered many casualties, but the specifics are still unknown as the area where the fighting took place needs to be scrutinized.
According to a man from Seng Hpara village, the KIA has been preparing for this operation since early this month. “I think they have started to launch an offensive operation in Hpakant and will attempt to seize all the SAC military camps in the Hpakant area.”
Locals from Huay Hkar and Nam Tein villages fled the clash for safety. Residents from Khun Seng Zup, Seng Hpara, Gudnwe, and Tantar Nyinaung villages situated on the Myitkyina – Hpakant road are concerned about their well-being but are, for now, staying put.