Phone and Internet Outages Hit Kachin State Amid Expanded Conflicts

Phone and internet services in Kachin State were cut off on 21 July around 1 PM, and remain down as of 10 AM today.
Earlier this month, Kachin State experienced severe flooding, the worst in two decades, disrupting phone and Wi-Fi services. Although K-Net Wi-Fi and Ooredoo phone services were gradually restored, a sudden statewide outage occurred on 21 July.
In March, intense fighting in Kachin State led to a month-long disruption of phone and internet services, with only Wi-Fi available. Since the coup, the military council has frequently cut off communications in conflict zones across Myanmar to control information flow.
The reason for the current outage remains unconfirmed. Recent military activity includes a resurgence of gunfire around Waimaw and Bhamo Townships, following a period of calm during early July’s flooding. On 17 July, the military used backhoes to destroy roads near the Wuyan People’s Militia Force camp and Battalion 58 camp in Waimaw. Local sources reported intense fighting when KIA forces attacked military reinforcements near Moemauk Township, causing the military to retreat after two days.
Civilians are increasingly anxious as communication services are cut off amid rising conflict. The United Nations Human Rights Council stated in 2018 that any deliberate obstruction of internet access constitutes a human rights violation. Myanmar’s digital rights violations have escalated since the coup, drawing comparisons to neighbouring China, according to Free Expression Myanmar (FEM).