
Jet fighter Targets Village in Myitkyina Township

The military regime air-bombed a police camp that was captured by resistance forces in Myitkyina Township, Kachin State.

“We ran into a bunker,” a woman said about the attack on Tarlawgyi at about 1:30 pm on May 20. Fortunately, no one was killed or injured when the jet fighter dropped three bombs on the camp in the village.

The police camp was controlled by the Burma army and People’s Militia Force before the Kachin Independence Army (KIA) and People’s Defence Force seized it last December. Although resistance forces don’t stay in the camp, they frequently pass through the village, the woman said, which could explain why the regime attacked it.

“Now we are terrified to live in our village,” the woman said. Villagers had finally returned to Tarlawgyi after fleeing last year. Although they fear more airstrikes and artillery shelling from the Northern Military Command Headquarters, the woman said they’ll remain in the village for now.

“I don’t think there is anywhere safe for us. We can’t even take shelter in town.”

The woman heard that the jet fighter also targeted Dabat, another village in the vicinity.

After seizing junta’s Kazu camp, fighting is continuing around Aung Myay in Shwe Nyaung Pin, Waingmaw Township, where the KIA and allied forces are trying to capture the Burma army’s Light Infantry Battalion 321.

After the KIA has made sweeping gains in the state, the regime has ramped up attacks on civilians, firing both artillery shells and employing jet fighters to intentionally bomb villages.

Since March 7, the Kachin armed group has captured many crucial regime camps and outposts along the Myitkyina – Bhamo road. They also seized Hsinbo town in Myitkyina Township and taken much of the Kyaukgyi area in Shwegu Township.

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