
SAC Bombs Villages in Katha Township

On Thursday, regime jet fighters and a gunship strafed Kyauk Htong Gyi and several other villages located in Katha Township as the State Administration Council (SAC) intensifies air bombings in the area in Sagaing Region.

“Four jet fighters carried out the airstrikes, and a Mi-35 also attacked the village,” explained an officer with Katha People’s Administration. He was unable to confirm casualties in the township situated next to Kachin State but said that many animals were killed, and at least two houses were damaged. The attacks also targeted nearby villages Ouk Tha Hpan, Htaung, Myaing Thaya, and Bang Bwe Kon.

“They’re attempting to cut off our transportation and communication lines in Katha Township. At the same time, their ground forces are being mobilized, their air force is providing protection,” the officer explained.

A few days ago, a Myo Hla People’s Defence Force soldier was killed by an airstrike on Moetar Lay, located about 7 miles from Kyauk Htong Gyi. SAC also killed two civilians and 7 PDF fighters from December 16-23.

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