
Three days of intense battles in Htigyaing Township

A combined force of Kachin Independence Army (KIA) and People’s Defense Force (PDF) soldiers have clashed with the Burma army (BA) in Htigyaing Township in Sagaing Region for three consecutive days. During the clashes, junta fighter jets attacked KIA and PDF positions. Four PDF soldiers were wounded and some BA soldiers were killed, according to reports from a local PDF.

On 22 April, the fighting started near Kyu Tawng Kon village when a military column of about 200 BA soldiers were patrolling the area. The fighting continued and intensified on 23 April. On 24 April, four fighter jets attacked KIA and PDF positions near Taw Ma and Mara Theim villages.

“Four jets, which came from Myitkyina air base, attacked us. Clashes have continued around Kyu Tawng Kon village until today. We fought with them between 6 a.m. and 11 a.m. yesterday. We had another clash this morning. We have had three consecutive days of clashes in Htigyaing. Yesterday and today the fighting was very intense. Four PDF soldiers were wounded. We heard that some BA soldiers were killed but I couldn’t confirm it,” an officer with the Htigyaing PDF told KNG.

People from Wapoe Chaung, Mara Theim, Taw Ma, Phon Kon, Welgyi, Doe Pin, and Michaung Aik villages fled the clashes and have taken shelter in safer places. Local sources report that these IDPs, including women, elderly people and children, are hiding in the jungle, and need emergency aid including food rations and medicine.

Htigyaing Township is in Katha District of Sagaing Region near the border with Kachin State. A combined force of KIA and PDF frequently have clash with Burma army in Htigyaing township.

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