
Jahtuzup PMF Still Mining Gold In Tanai

The Jahtuzup People’s Militia Force (PMF) continues to mine gold from Jahtuzup village, where the group under the regime takes its name, despite efforts by the Kachin Independence Army (KIA) to stop it.

Since December, the KIA has also been trying to shut down mines in Kanwethu, Chaung Sone, Bankok, Ja Wan and Kai Taw areas.

Miners working at the 50 acre Kai Taw gold mine a mile from Jahtuzup along Lido Road have already left since 10 January, but they said the PMF, led by Min Thant Zin, continues to mine gold with four backhoes.

The PMF is using the “civilians as cover”, said an anonymous source, suspecting that the KIA won’t attack them.

“The PMF continues to extract gold, so the KIA’s efforts (to block them) will not have a financial impact on the PMF, but it is for the local population.”

Since 14 January, both the KIA and the PMF have blocked the roads leading to the mines in a turf war, especially stopping fuel trucks on the road from Tanai to Lido, causing hardship for locals who cannot get fuel or travel.


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