
Katha Villagers Clear Landmines Left by Military Council

Residents have been attempting to rid their village of landmines laid by a regime column in Katha Township in Sagaing Region.

“We are still searching for the landmines in our village,” a 30-year-old resident from Inn Drang told KNG. The man said they’ve already found six bombs, but they know there are at least 30 in the village.

With assistance from experts, local people are searching for them all and slowly removing them from the village. But before they could, three explosives were accidentally detonated.

“A few days ago, a local man set off a landmine when he drove over it on his motorcycle. Luckily, he didn’t suffer any serious injuries because he was blown away by the blast, which totally destroyed his motorcycle.”

On Wednesday, a pig was killed when it accidentally stepped on a hidden mine

The mines left by the soldiers, which are M-14 and M-18, are very powerful, the man said. “If people step on them, I am sure they will lose their life or their limbs.”

In late August, 100 junta soldiers stayed in Inn Drang for several weeks while providing security for a flotilla of 9 boats traveling to Bhamo from Mandalay before leaving early this month.

Residents returned soon after the soldiers left and became concerned about their safety after learning their village had been mined. The same soldiers are now staying in Pyin Htawng Lay, another village in the township where they have already burnt 30 homes.

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