
Indaw PDF Attacks Sagaing Region Checkpoints

Resistance fighters from the Indaw People’s Defence Force (PDF) attacked two regime checkpoints in Sagaing Region, killing at least four Burma Army soldiers (BA), according to their own accounts.

A PDF officer told KNG that they attacked the checkpoints near Namma Hok Gyi in Indaw Township, which borders Mohnyin Township in Kachin State. He explained that there are four checkpoints in Indaw Township that the junta forces use to extort money from motorists, so they decided to attack two of them. Some BA soldiers ran away when the PDF attacked on Sunday night before the group withdrew from the area.

It was the first time anyone had attacked the roadblocks in the township. According to the PDF officer, there were no casualties on his side.

At the time of going to press, the KNG couldn’t independently confirm the group’s information.

In recent months, the PDF and the Kachin Independence Army (KIA), one of the strongest ethnic armed groups in Burma, have been destroying regime products such as beer in the border areas between Sagaing Region and Kachin State.

The political wing of the KIA, the Kachin Independence Organisation, has banned the sale of  beer from Myanmar, Dagon and ABC in its areas, and Kachin soldiers have intercepted and destroyed shipments of the regime produced products to the major cities in Kachin State.

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