
Civilian Killed By Tatmadaw Shell During Fighting With KIO/A

A Burma Army shell killed a Burmese civilian during fighting with the Kachin Independence Organization/Army in northern Shan State during the weekend.

The 50-year-old ethnic Chinese was reportedly working on his farm near Dima village in Muse District when he was killed during the bomb attack.

Fighting started after Tatmadaw LID-99 launched an attack against a KIO/A Battalion-9 (Brigade-6) camp. According to locals, Burma Army was forced to retreat after suffering many causalities during the battle.

Tatmadaw deployed heavy weapons against KIO/A troops at 1 pm on February 21.

Locals fear fighting will escalate after Burma Army sent reinforcements to Dima. Five military trucks arrived on Sunday.

During fighting in northern Shan State, the KIO/A has been supported by fellow Northern Alliance members – Ta’ang National Liberation Army, Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army and Arakan Army.

On February 11, KIO/A’s Battalion 6 and 9, both from Brigade 6, clashed with Tatmadaw in Muse District.

Tensions have been rising since the Burma Army seized control of the country during a coup on February 1.

Last week, the junta sent KIO/A a letter warning not to get involved in the Civil Disobedience Movement launched by health workers who walked off the job several days after the coup. The letter said live rounds will be fired at demonstrators if protests got “worse”, according to KIO/A General Secretary La Nan.

After the Civil Disobedience Movement started, demonstrations in the hundreds of thousands have erupted across the country everyday. In a statement, the KIO/A said it supports the protests.

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