KIA Continues Siege Against Burma Army in Town in Myitkyina Township

A regime airstrike has killed one civilian and injured two others in Sinbo in Myitkyina Township, where the Kachin Independence Army (KIA) is attacking the Burma army to capture the town in Kachin State.
Last Thursday, two jet fighters conducted three flyovers in the afternoon, dropping a total of nine shells on Myin Tha Ward in the late afternoon.
“A shell hit a house and killed one person inside,” a local man said. Another man’s legs were broken during the attack, he said. The airstrikes damaged several houses and a church.
“The KIA is attempting to seize Sinbo town from the Burma army, but there wasn’t any fighting reported when two jet fighters attacked Sinbo yesterday.”
The following morning, KIA and its allied forces resumed their attacks on the Infantry Battalion 141’s base, which is located about two miles from the town, prompting the junta to deploy more jet fighters and combat helicopters against them.
The resistance groups have already taken over a government office and police station in Sinbo on April 10th. The town, which has a population of about 9,000, is situated about 14 miles from the first passage of the Irrawaddy River.