Regime Launches Counter Strike Against KIA in Momauk Township

Clashes have escalated in Momauk Township as the Burma army launches a counteroffensive against the Kachin Independence Army (KIA) and allied forces.
A KIA officer has reported the deployment of hundreds of soldiers from the regime’s LIB 437 and Bhamo to the northern part of the town. Fighting has been reported near the Catholic church and Hka Nan Ward, with skirmishes occurring in Khu Li and Nam Lai villages in Bhamo Township.
According to a local source, the regime’s counteroffensive is a reaction to losing key positions to the resistance in March. He said the Burma army are in northern Momauk town and the KIA are in the south.
The Burma army is shelling Kachin army group’s positions in the Lung Ja Bum, Wawang, Kum Bang, and Ja Hkant Dap areas of Momauk Township from both a school and a police station where they’re staying.
Fighting has been increasing near Khu Li village, five miles from Momauk town, where a Burma army column has been patrolling.