High School Students Graduate From Schools In KIO’s Territory

More than 1,400 students have passed their high school exams for the 2022-23 school year in the Kachin Independence Organisation (KIO)-controlled territory. A number that is normal compared to previous years, according to KNG education authorities.
“The passing rate has neither increased nor decreased this year,” said U Naw Htoi, secretary of the KIO’s education department. But with 3,000 students taking their exams this year compared to 1,000 last year, the number of graduates has tripled, he explained.
Over 240 students who graduated from the eight high schools located in the armed ethnic organisation’s area passed their exams with distinction, and some students received distinction in 5 subjects. Most of these schools are located in Laiza and Mai Ja Yang.
“Students who have passed their high school final exams can enrol at Mai Ja Yang College, Teacher Training School or law and nursing schools in our KIO area to continue their studies,” said Naw Htoi.
The number of students attending schools in the KIO area has increased after many schools in other parts of the country were closed following the military coup more than two years ago.
Currently, students can only study up to Grade 10. But next year the education department will add Grades 11 and 12.