KIA Ambush Junta Forces In Mansi

Fighting between the Kachin Independence Army (KIA) and the regime has been ongoing for the past five days near Mung Hkawng in Mansi Township, resulting in numerous casualties, according to the KIA.
A woman displaced by the fighting told KNG on condition of anonymity that the armed groups fought at Laika Zupja next to Mung Hkawng at 8 am on Thursday and the junta fired heavy weapons.
A man who also requested anonymity said 200 soldiers from the regime’s Infantry Battalions 237, 236 and 223 entered the area on 17 February with a bulldozer, several military vehicles and heavy weapons. KIA Battalion 27 of the 3rd Brigade ambushed them the same day when they were raiding livestock in Laika Zupja village on their way to the strategically important Maje Gon hill. The fighting continued from 19 to 23 February, with the heaviest fighting on 22 and 23 February.
“As far as I know, one Burma soldier was killed on 17 February,” the man said, but could not say anything about the other days. He said, however, that 39 government soldiers were admitted to the hospital in Bhamo. According to reports on the ground, several houses in Laika Zupja have been damaged by regime shelling.
Brigade 3, which is active in Mansi Township in Bhamo District, often attacks junta forces travelling from Mung Hkawng to Maji Gung.