Chins Donate $100k To A Nang Pa Bombing Victims

US-based Chin Baptist Churches have raised $100K for the victims of the regime’s brutal air attacks in Hpakant Township, Kachin State.
Rev Maw San of the Kachin Baptist Church in the US said what happened in A Nang Pa was “tragic” and the “Chin people have shown their sympathy and support for our people”.
At least 78 people were killed when three junta fighter jets bombed a concert commentating the 62nd anniversary of the Kachin Independence Organisation (KIO) on 23 October, where no fighting was taking place.
Soldiers prevented ambulances from taking wounded people to hospitals in the towns of Hpakant and Myitkyina, and some of the victims bled to death; soldiers also tried to prevent doctors and medics from travelling to A Nang Pa. However, some managed to sneak past the army checkpoints and give them medical attention.
A woman said that soldiers and police searched for people who helped the victims in KIO’s military wing, Kachin Independence Army Brigade 9’s area, to arrest them and charge them with them with Article 17/1 for belonging to unlawful associations.
The money was wired to the KBC in America last Friday and will be sent to the families of the victims as soon as possible. In the past, the Chin and Kachin nationalities have helped each other’s communities in the US, where they were resettled, and in Burma.