KIA, PDF Attack Burma Army In Katha Township

Resistance groups ambushed the Burma Army (BA) sent to guard a flotilla in the Irrawaddy River in Katha Township, Sagaing Region, killing at least four of the BA soldiers and injuring three others.
According to a Katha People Defence Force (PDF) officer, an 80-member military convoy was travelling from Sin Kon to Moetar Lay when the PDF and Kachin Independence Army attacked them for 40 minutes on 9 August. The six military ships that started from Mandalay on 8 August are transporting soldiers, weapons and rations to Bhamo.
Another PDF officer told the KNG that no one was injured on their side, but the flotilla has continued on its journey, passing through Kyauk Myaung Township at 5am on the day of the attack.
The BA has been using the river to transport men, weapons and food since early 2022, making the ships a target for resistance groups in Sagaing Region and Kachin State.