KIA Ambushes Burma Army In Sagaing Region

The Kachin Independence Army (KIA) ambushed a Burma Army (BA) column of 200 soldiers sent to assist other soldiers fighting with the Kachin group near Sel Zin, Hpakant Township.
According to a local source, the KIA attacked the BA’s reinforcements near Mang Sein River, between Shwe Twin and Shwe Pyi Myint, in Homalin, Sagaing Region, at about 2am, 18 July. The man alleges some of the soldiers with the BA column were from the Shanni Nationalities Army.
KIA Battalion 26, under Brigade 9, has been fighting with the BA in Sel Zin for the last three days.
Locals told KNG that jet fighters attacked the Kachin fighters three times near Sel Zin on Sunday, causing residents from the village and others to flee their homes. The same day, a jet fighter was also sent to attack the KIA between Homalin and Hpakant townships.
According to a front line KIA officer, they’ve surrounded the column of 70 soldiers in Sel Zin after it travelled to the village from Tarma Khan in Hpakant Township on 16 July.