Tatmadaw Commanders Killed During Fighting In Northern Shan State

Two Tatmadaw battalion commanders were killed during battle with the combined forces of Kachin Independence Army (KIA) and Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army (MNDAA) in Muse District, according to the MNDAA.
A local source told KNG that the fighting took place in Kawng Lon, Mongkoe sub township, on Saturday evening, August 28.
Another source said Burma Army (BA) clashed with KIA Battalion 36 (Brigade 4) between Nam Har and Mang Kwam on Friday and the same day with MNDAA on Myandan Mountain near Nam Tawng, where the man lives.
A source from Mongbaw said the KIA fought with the military between his village and Nam Tawng during the afternoon.
According to MNDAA, the military’s LID 99 attacked them directly after the ethnic armed organisation’s (EAO) political wing, Myanmar National Truth and Justice Party, held a meeting about the pandemic with villagers in Hu Dawng on Friday.
The MNDAA claims that 4 BA soldiers were killed and many more wounded in the fighting that broke out that afternoon on a mountain near Toshima village.
Since July, the Kokang EAO has fought BA many times in Mongkoe sub township where there are over 290 villagers displaced by the conflict. More than 1,400 people affected by the fighting in Pang Seng sub township in Muse District have fled to the Chinese border.