KIA Detain Police in Hpakant Township

The Kachin Independence Army (KIA) detained policemen after randomly stopping their vehicle in Hpakant Township on Wednesday, June 30.
“KIA typically doesn’t check vehicles on the road, however, the KIA soldiers made a surprise stop yesterday. After finding 3 policemen in plainclothes, they arrested them,” a villager who didn’t want their name used told KNG. The Kachin soldiers captured 3 firearms and grenades from the vehicle travelling to Hpakant town from Makaw La Yang at around 4pm.
Another source heard the policemen are from Lon Khang Police Station in Hpakant Township but didn’t know their names.
The following morning Burma Army in Nam Yar village shelled a KIA camp in the township. According to a local, the military fired at least four shells at the camp.
Since the February 1 coup, there have been small skirmishes between the military and KIA in Hpakant Township but not large battles like in other areas of Kachin State.