
Protesters Reject Military Installed Committee

Some protesters rejected the Kachin State Negotiation Committee (KSNC) that was recently established to negotiate between the military and demonstrators opposed to the coup.

“In the midst of a revolution” the military is trying to gain the public’s trust with the KSNC, a product of the junta that isn’t inline with the “people’s desire”, a protester who requested anonymity told KNG.

“The military and police are committing human rights abuses, arbitrary arrests and shooting and beating protesters. How can we expect the committee to protect people from these abusive forces?” she asked.

KSNC was established by Hket Htein Nang on February 22, the same day a general strike happened. The other 17 members include the famous composer Hpaula Gam Hpang, who will head the committee, and Bawk Ja (aka Bauk Gyar and Bauk Ja), vice-chair-3 of Kachin State People’s Party (KSPP).

Prior to her entry into politics, Bawk Ja was a land campaigner in the Hukaung Valley who helped 150 farming families sue the Yuzana Corporation for expropriating their land. She also served as the National Democratic Force chairperson for Kachin State.

The other KSPP members who joined the negotiation committee are MD Hkaw Nyoi, she contested Chepwi Township in the 2020 race; Brang Awng, he contested Moemauk Township and Alay Per, he contested N’jan Yang Township. None of them won any seats during the recent election, including Bawk Ja, who ran in Nogmung Township.

After joining KSNC, it appears all of the KSPP representatives are required to leave their party.

Since February 8, tens of thousands have protested against the military regime across Kachin State. Many teachers, students, municipal servants and others joined the civil disobedience movement, which was spearheaded by health workers several days after the February 1 coup.

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