Junta aligned militia forcibly recruiting in Chipwi District, Kachin State

The Chipwi-Pang War militia group, led by U Bum Lang, has been detaining and forcibly recruiting young people travelling along the Myitkyina to Chipwi to Pang War Road. Militia members have also been targeting mines where young men are working as miners, according to local sources.
A Chipwi Town resident said to KNG: “Right now, the militia’s [forced] recruitment is intensifying. Young people are afraid to even step outside. Militia members are following and drafting them from mining sites. Just recently, six youths were taken from a mine six miles from Chipwi Town. Additionally, four more were arrested at a security checkpoint manned by junta troops and militia. There are also reports of junta soldiers going door-to-door in Pang War Town, searching for young people.”
He was referring to the Chipwi-Pang War militia group abducting six youths at a rare-earth metal mine on 29 July 2024 and detaining four more at the Pimhaw and Pang War intersection later that same day.
On 5 August militia members also raided a rare-earth metal mine in Pang War and abducted over 20 youths.
The junta is grappling with a significant decline in manpower due to battlefield setbacks. It has reportedly instructed its allied militia group to target young people and forcibly conscript them into military service under the pretence of protecting Chipwi. Most of those forcibly recruited are Kachin youths.
The young people abducted for forced recruitment are loaded into vehicles and transported to the Kachin State capital, Myitkyina, by the militia group.
The Chipwi resident said: “It’s likely the militiamen are hunting down young people because the junta is running low on manpower and urgently needs replenishment. They’ve taken the captured youths from Chipwi to Myitkyina. Perhaps the junta will train, arm, and then send these young people to the front lines.”
Currently, nearly all phone and internet connections throughout Kachin Sate are down. Though the junta owned MPT mobile network remains accessible in some downtown wards of Myitkyina, and the junta-aligned ATOM (formerly Telenor) mobile network and some Wi-Fi services are operational in Chipwi.
“In Chipwi, there are many businessmen and cronies who support the junta, as well as those who inevitably have to deal with junta or militia groups to operate their businesses. Therefore, it’s possible that the junta has arranged for the use of internet and phone lines to ensure that business operations in Chipwi can continue smoothly,” explained the aforementioned Chipwi resident.
According to locals, junta troops have been driving around Chipwi Town almost every night after 10:00 pm. The reason for this is unclear, but they seem to be going shopping.
The junta and militia began efforts to draft new recruits in Chipwi and Pang War after a coalition of the Kachin Independence Army (KIA) and people’s defence forces (PDFs) took control of extensive parts of the Sadung to Kan Paik Ti to Tsawlaw Road in northern Waingmaw Township.