KIO/KIA and TNLA Vow to Ease Territorial Tensions in Northern Shan State

The Kachin Independence Organisation/Kachin Independence Army (KIO/KIA) and Ta’ang National Liberation Army (TNLA) both played down concerns about rising tensions between the armed groups over territorial issues after a video showing a dispute between the armed groups near the confluence of the Shweli River between Mabein and Mongmit towns circulated on social media.
An anonymous KIO/KIA official explained that Ta’ang soldiers entered their Brigade 11’s Battalion 12 area near the Shweli River in northern Shan State, where the All Burma Students’ Democratic Front (ABSDF) Northern Command is also present alongside KIO/KIA, without informing either group, causing the problem.
“It’s a minor issue and something our leaders are working out with theirs. People don’t need to worry as I don’t think there will be any shooting between us,” he said.
Another area of contention between KIO/KIA Battalion 12 and TNLA since April is the Magwi Baw Bum (also known as Baw Ho Tzang) mine near Nam Hai and Mungmaw in Manton Township.
KIO/KIA’s Brigades 6, 4, 10, and 11 have always been active in many of the areas where Kachin reside in northern Shan State.
KIO/KIA and People’s Defence Force (PDF) seized Mabein on January 21. After the armed group captured the Mang Weing Gyi area from the regime, situated between Shan and Kachin states, it strengthened its position in Shwegu and in Mabein townships. The Kachin armed group officially established Brigade 11 in the Shweli River Valley on June 14.
“In the past, TNLA troops were not active in this area,” said a man from Mongmit Township, where there are gold deposits. “Probably, this is why TNLA wants to control the area,” he suggested, explaining that when the Ta’ang soldiers arrived unannounced, KIO/KIA set up roadblocks.
KIO/KIA, ABSDF, PDF, and TNLA are all active in the area between Mongmit and Mabein. The Burma army is also present in Mongmit, and it’s anyone’s guess which of the armed groups will attack them first, as things are currently quiet.
TNLA’s spokesperson, Ma Lway Yay Oo, also reassured KNG that leaders will work out the disagreements between the groups.
“We are revolutionary groups and we’re also allies,” she said.