
Fighting breaks out in Mohnyin Township, civilians flee

An armed clash occurred between Hopin People’s Defense Force (Hopin PDF) and Burma army soldiers near Nam Ying village in eastern Hopin town of Mohnyin Township in Kachin State this morning. Fighting continues as of press time, according to local sources.

A spokesperson for the Hopin PDF said that Burma army suffered some causalities during the clash. Kachin News Group could not independently verify casualty numbers or severity.

“Fighting broke out around 9 a.m. today. The clash is still happening. There are no causality among our troops. We received information that the Burma army has suffered some causalities during the clash. Now both sides are shooting with heavy weapons,” an officer from the Hopin PDF told KNG.

A local man, who lives in Hopin, said that some Nam Ying villagers fled the clash and have sought refuge in Hopin town.

“A combined force of Burma army and Shanni army troops are shooting guns from Nam Ying bridge, which is situated near Nam Ying village. Some civilians who live near Nam Ying creek have fled to take shelter in Hopin town,” the local man told KNG.

The Hopin PDF officer said that there were about 200 BA soldiers in the military column. The column is a combined force including soldiers from the Burma army’s Infantry Battalion number 521 (IB-521) and the Shanni army.

The military column has attempted to deploy at the Nam Ying bridge since 23 February. Burma army soldiers have been digging bunkers and trenches near the Nam Ying bridge. Initial clashes broke out near the Nam Ying creek on 25 February.

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