
Elderly Woman Dies From Fatigue In Sagaing

An elderly woman died of exhaustion after being forced to flee from a Burma army column that invaded her village in Kin-U Township, Sagaing Region.

Daw Khin Mya Win died on Sunday morning after she ran away from sit-tat soldiers who burned down houses in Mayan Inn.

“They had been hiding in jungle for five days” and it was too much for the 66-year-old, explained a officer from Khin-U Township True News Information.

“We were unable to take her body back to her village, so we cremated her in the jungle.”

For the past week, the sit-tat has been on the offensive against resistance groups in the northwest and southeast of the township where according to locals they also burnt down houses in Kyee Ai, Ywa Thit and Kan Thit.

Over a hundred junta soldiers arrived from Ye-U Township and are now stationed at Inn Pat Kwe. They are patrolling the area, supported by the Pyu-saw-htee People’s Militia Force.

A man helping civilians affected by the violence said they urgently need emergency aid, food rations, medical care and shelter.

“Support from the local community isn’t enough. We are asking the international community to provide them with humanitarian assistance as soon as possible and for Burmese nationals living abroad to also give.” He said donations are being coordinated through the Khin-U Township True News Information Facebook page.

Of the 147 villages in the township, the regime has burnt down 77, resulting in the displacement of 30,000 people, according to the information group.

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