NLD Member Arrested In Hpakant

The military has arrested a member from the National League for Democracy (NLD) who had been in hiding in Hpakant Township after the coup overthrew the former ruling party more than two years ago.
Daw Mar Mar Aye (40) was arrested by soldiers at her sister’s house in Hpa Pyin, Kachin State, on 6 March. The NLD member is originally from Taze Township in Sagaing Region.
“Her sister runs a grocery shop in her house and the soldiers arrested Daw Mar Aye around 7pm,” a woman close to the family told KNG, without disclosing her name. She had no idea how they knew where she was hiding.
An anonymous source, however, told KNG that informants had revealed Daw Mar Aye’s whereabouts in the township to the military.
The woman said her family didn’t know where she was being held by the soldiers, nor any information about her health or living conditions.
Arrests of civilians are common in Hpakant Township.
A week ago, the military arrested 200 people in Sharaw Hka and 80 people in late February. An unidentified armed group detained 30 youths from Lon Khin on 6 March. Some of those arrested have since been released, while others are still under lock and key.
According to the Assistance Association for Political Prisoners, the junta has arrested 20,243 people across the country as of 7 March following the military coup.