COVID-19 Outbreak Spreading In Kachin State

Kachin State is again hit by an COVID-19 outbreak. According to the regional health authority, about 80 new cases have already been detected and at least one new transmission is discovered every day.
“I think people here are no longer afraid of catching it, and only one in ten people are wearing face masks,” says a youth who volunteers to help sick people. He wonders if there will be another significant outbreak as the colder weather approaches, and urges people to be more careful.
New cases have been detected in Myitkyina, Mohnyin, Putao, Bhamo, Mogaung, Hpakant and Waingmaw townships.
“Some patients have already received two vaccinations,” said another person working for a non-governmental organisation. But there is no reason to be careless, he said just because they have some protection.
Thirty people have recovered and have been discharged, but health officials say about fifty people are still in hospital. They tested positive at clinics in their wards and villages.
From the beginning of the year until 20 September, 5,730 cases have been detected in Kachin State, 58 of whom died after getting sick.