Soldiers Detain Three People At Indaw Hospital

Junta soldiers detained a woman being treated for malaria and her two friends from Indaw Township hospital, accusing them all under Burma’s Counter-Terrorism Article of being linked to the People Defence Force (PDF) in Sagaing Region.
The woman was dragged out of the hospital on a rope and taken to a prison hospital, while the other two were taken directly to the Indaw Myoma police station cell, where she joined them a few days later after her recovery.
“I heard that her case was heard in the district court where it is usually heard in the township court,” an officer from the Indaw PDF has told KNG.
He said they were charged under the Counter-Terrorism Act Article 5 (J) and would be sentenced to life if found guilty.
The officer did not know which village they were from, but he heard that they were ordinary villagers who had nothing to do with his group or any of the other resistance groups fighting the Burma Army to defeat the dictatorship.
”I heard that they are farmers.”
Police have prevented family members from visiting them at the police station jail.
Since last year’s coup, soldiers have frequently detained people seeking medical attention at the Indaw Public Hospital, and many avoid going there when they are sick.