NUG Introducing Online Classes In Kachin State

Teachers in Kachin State who have joined the civil disobedience movement (CDM) against the military regime will provide online courses under Burma’s shadow National Unity Government (NUG), formed in part by lawmakers expelled during the coup more than fifteen months ago.
“The children have not been able to study for two years. Under NUG’s directive, the education board of Myitkyina Township is planning to introduce online courses for students,” said an official who requested anonymity.
Plans to get the kids back to class was announced as the regime is making arrangements for schools under its control to open on 2 June. Parents in Myitkyina Township have until 12 June to register their children for the NUG’s online classes for kindergarten to grade 10.
The source said teachers will follow a curriculum provided by NUG’s Ministry of Education. CDM teachers from other townships in Kachin State will use the same material for their online classes.
Classes start with students up to middle school before resuming high school classes. As in regular school, they’ll be two six-month semesters, with monthly tests and final exams at the end of each semester. Students will receive their grades twice a year.
Some parents have stated that they will send their children to government schools because they do not have access to the internet. According to NUG, there’s plans to introduce an alternative for students who cannot learn online, but the details have not yet been announced.