KIA Attack PMF In Hpakant Township

The Kachin Independence Army (KIA) inflicted causalities during an attack on the Sanpya People’s Militia Force (PMF) in a gold mining village in Hpakant Township, where the PMF was extorting money from residents, according to a local source.
The KIA troops attacked the junta-affiliated group at a junction on the Lido Road, where the PMF demanded payments from local shops. Kachin soldiers captured the PMF’s vehicle and its weapons, the man told KNG.
Burma Army Infantry Battalion 298 based in Shaduzup fired artillery at KIA during the attack, which happened at 11am on 27 December. Later in the afternoon, it sent soldiers in two trucks to the PMF camp. The source explained that the PMF had been patrolling the Lawt Ja gold mine located near the village.
In recent months, the KIA has carried out raids on BA columns travelling on Lido Road, resulting in many deaths. Since the coup on 1 February, fighting with the regime has also broken out in other areas of Kachin State and in northern Shan State.