KIA Continue Ambushing Tatmadaw On Lido Road

The Kachin Independence Army (KIA) ambushed the Tatmadaw again along the Lido Road in Tanai Township, Kachin State, this time twice in one day.
On Monday, a Burma Army column was providing security for a military convoy travelling from Shadu Zup in Hpakant Township to Tanai when KIA Battalion 14 attacked them at two points between Kawng Ra and Ting Kawk villages.
According to a local source, the first attack happened around 8am near Kawng Ra and the second a couple of hours later near Ting Kawk. ”Many military vehicles have arrived in Shadu Zup in Hpakant Township,” said the man from Ting Kawk, which is close to the border with Hpakant Township.
Other residents told KNG that they saw 60 military trucks carrying food rations arrive at the headquarters of BA Infantry Battalion (IB) 297 in Shadu Zup on 2 October from Dong Ban. The convoy had left Mogaung town on 28 September and arrived at IB-298 Dong Ban on 30 September, where it stayed for several days before proceeding to Shadu Zup.
The KIA attacked the convoy with landmines at least five times along the route between Dong Ban and Shadu Zup, causing many casualties.
It’s impossible for the KNG to quantify the losses on both sides.
The regime shut down internet access in Hpakant Township on 20 August. Many suspect that this is part of its strategy before launching a major offensive against KIA and Kachin civilian resistance groups.