Over 1,000 COVID-19 Cases in Kachin State

In Kachin State, there have been 10 deaths and 1,023 confirmed cases in 6 townships until July 13.
According to the Bhamo District Information Department, 3 people died and 316 tested positive.
Dr Thein Myo, head of Waingmaw hospital, reported 117 cases and 2 deaths in Waingmaw Township.
Shwegu Township Information Department said 254 acquired the virus and 1 death.
According to Mogaung hospital, 3 people died and 101 people tested positive in Mogaung Township.
In Momauk Township, there were 112 infected and 1 person died, according to information released by Bhamo District Information Department.
Mohnyin hospital reported 123 infections and no fatalities in Mohnyin Township.
This data includes only patients registered with the hospitals in 6 of the 18 townships in Kachin State. It does not list people staying in their homes or cases in the populated Myitkyina and Hpakant townships.
Before the military coup, there were only 3 deaths in the state and 1,045 infections. Within the last month, over 1,000 have tested positive, with more than 10 people dying in the 6 townships.
In Kachin Independence Organisation (KIO) controlled Kachin State, 227 people tested positive in the last week. According to KIO COVID-19 Control and Response Committee, between July 6 to 11, health workers tested more than 6,000 in Laiza and Mai Ja Yang.
Col Hing Wawm, the committee chair, told KNG they found no new infections after testing 1,000 in Laiza on Monday. He said they administered the same number of tests in Mai Ja Yang but didn’t elaborate if they found new infections. “We are almost done testing people for COVID-19 in Mai Ja Yang,” Col Hing Wawm informed KNG.
Responding to the outbreak, KIO closed schools, churches and stopped all training sessions. Restaurants can only sell take away food.
“Most who tested positive are students and young people,” Col Hing Wawm said, therefore, less likely to get seriously ill. He said they vaccinated over 20,000 in Laiza and Mai Ja Yang townships without specifying what vaccine they used.