Christian Leaders Arrested For Attending Prayer Service in Northern Kachin State

The military council charged three religious leaders in northern Kachin State for violating 505 (a) of Burma’s Penal Code after they joined a prayer service organised by youths back in March.
A man from Nogmung Township told KNG a Peoples Militia Force (PMF) and Marit Yawshu and Zerkon Jao Sar detained the Christian leaders on June 27.
“They are charged for attending praying service for restoring peace in Burma. Youths organised the event. Because some young people have joined KIA (Kachin Independence Army) and PDF (People’s Defence Force), the thugs and PMF suspected that the Christian leaders maintain connections with armed organisations. The truth is they prayed for everyone during the service,” the man said.
On Monday, police sent Rev Goshan Sing Sar, Rev Zagong Hte Na and Rev Mahawng Dee to Putao. If authorities convict them of 505 (a) they face sentences of up to three years.