Burma Army Shells Village in Kachin State

Burma Army shelled a village after its camp was attacked by Kachin Independence Army (KIA) in Kachin State on Wednesday, May 5.
Rather than attack KIA, a local told KNG that Burma Army fired four artillery shells at Numlang, located in Momauk Township. Three landed inside the village and one outside it. Fortunately, no one was injured during the shelling.
Two Burma Army jet fighters attacked Myo Thit, Konlaw and Numlang in the township on 9:00pm, May 4, and the following morning. The villages are situated at the base of Alaw Bum, a strategic mountain KIA seized from Burma Army on March 25.
Burma Army has been desperately trying to recapture its old mountain base near the Chinese border. On May 3, KIA shot down a combat helicopter assisting the two jet fighters in Momauk Township.