
Residents of Kachin State “Living in Darkness” After SAC Suspends Mobile Internet Network

In some townships in Kachin State, residents cannot access valuable information since the junta’s State Administration Council shut down the mobile internet network across Burma on March 14, causing concern for civilians when armed forces are killing many people.

“At night with soldiers shooting near villages, we are afraid. Everyone is worried about their safety,” said a resident living near Lido Road. Without the Internet, he told KNG “it’s like living in darkness”, and feels like his “human rights” are violated.

Cable internet access is still available for homes and businesses in Myitkyina, Waingmaw, Bhamo, Shwegu, Mohnyin, Moegaung, Hopin, and Hpakant townships. But it’s not in Chipwe, Tanai and Sumprabum townships, located in Puta-O District.

Protests against the military regime are still happening in some of these townships, but participants can not share the news. And they can’t report when soldiers commit human rights violation against the civilian population.

“We only got internet services not long ago, and now they cut it off,” a Putao local told KNG.

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