
Five Demonstrators Killed in Kachin State

Authorities shot dead five people during demonstrations against the military regime on 76th Armed Forces Day this Saturday in northern Burma’s Kachin State, taking away the body of at least one person they killed.

According to locals, soldiers in the town of Bhamo took Ma Shwe Myint’s body after shooting her. KNG hasn’t yet been able to identify the other two men killed in Bhamo.

Thant Zaw, 19, was killed in Hpakant town, while Kyaw Soe Oo was shot dead in Hopin town, located in Mohnyin Township. Family and friends cremated Kyaw Soe Oo on Sunday. Thant Zaw’s cremation is at 1 pm on Monday.

Undeterred by the deadly violence, protesters across the state continued demonstrating throughout the day.

Over a hundred people across the country were killed this weekend during a bloodbath that has drawn international condemnation. Authorities killed over 400, mainly during protests, since staging a coup on February 1. In Kachin State, at least ten were killed since the military took over.

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