
Multiple Tatmadaw Soldiers Slain During Ambush in Muse District

At least 6 Tatmadaw soldiers were slain and 5 wounded while battling with the Kachin Independence Army (KIA) in Muse District this Monday (September 28), according to an anonymous KIA source.

A KIA Brigade-6 officer told KNG that Battalion-36 fought with the Burma Army yesterday evening at multiple locations in Kyukok (Panghsai) sub-township in northern Shan State.

Tatmadaw’s LID-88 attacked KIA’s Battalion-36 on a hill near Mongpaw (Mungbaw) village. And KIA troops retaliated by ambushing their military columns at 3 locations when they returned, the KIA source explained.

A villager who spoke to KNG on condition of anonymity confirmed the information. “KIA ambushed the Burma army’s military columns near Mahkaw Yang, Mang Nawng Yang and Hka Chyang Hkaraw villages with landmines and there were many casualties.”

Over 60 villagers have sought refuge at a Christian church in Mang Nawng Kawng village since September 24. Because fighting is still happening, providing assistance to the displaced villagers is difficult, explained a member of Mongpaw Social Volunteer Team.

The Burma Army extended its unilateral ceasefire until September 30, ostensibly to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. But ethnic armed organizations (EAO) accuse Tatmadaw troops of launching offensives in their areas, which they say is the cause of the fighting.

In northern Shan State, the Burma Army is fighting with KIA, Ta’ang National Liberation Army and Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army. In Rakhine State, it is fighting with the Arakan Army. All of the EAOs are members of the Northern Alliance.

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