Thermal Scanners Installed On Sino-Burmese Border

With many migrant workers returning to Myanmar from China because of the novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) thermal scanners have been installed at border gates to check if any of the returnees have been infected with the virus.
Returning workers are passing through the Kambaiti border gate from China, said Dr. Thein Myo, who is in charge of Waingmaw township’s public health department, and scanners have been installed to detect anyone exhibiting symptoms of the virus.
“We’re using an infrared thermometer to measure the body temperatures of the hundreds returning home from China in the next couple of days,” he said. “The thermal scanners will save border agents precious time and man power.”
So far, there hasn’t been a confirmed case of the coronavirus at the Kambaiti border gate, Thein Myo said.
Border guards aren’t taking any chances. Three Chinese nationals with high temperatures were prevented from entering Burma on January 27.
According to the Kachin State Health department, the Union government hasn’t told the state government to close Loije and Kambaiti border gates.
Min Min Latt, a government administrator in Kambaiti, said the state government is ready to provide medical assistance to those suspected of being infected with 2019-nCoV.
“Many Burmese are returning from China through these border gates and we are conducting medical checks for everyone who returns,” Min Min Latt said. “If authorities find any Chinese suspected of having the virus we won’t allow them to enter our country.”
Staff have received training about how to identify symptoms of the virus, he said, and there are ambulances waiting at the gate to transport people to the hospital.