Peace Talks Between Northern Alliance And Gov’t Stalled

It’s unclear when the next round of peace talks between the Northern Alliance and government will happen. Nothing has been decided yet, said Lamai Gum Ja, from the Kachin Peace-talk Creation Group (PCG).
“Regarding discussions about a bilateral ceasefire, both parties are still negotiating the meeting venue and the schedule, and I don’t have any new information,” Lamai Gum Ja said.
For security concerns, the Northern Alliance prefers to have the meeting in China. The government is pushing for it to take place in Burma.
The last peace talks were in Kengtung, in Burma, in late September. At this time, it was agreed to meet again in October. Instead, fighting between some of the groups in the Northern Alliance and Burma Army increased, even though the alliance has committed to a unilateral ceasefire.
Gen N’Ban La, the new chairperson of the KIO, wants to make peace with the Tatmadaw to facilitate the return of the many internally displaced persons (IDPs) in Kachin State.
“We are trying to make a ceasefire with the enemy and then the Kachin IDPs can return home,” the chairperson said in his opening speech during the 59th anniversary of KIO at the end of last month.
The KIO plans to commemorate the 50th anniversary of the KIO’s Department of General Administration in Laiza from November 14-15.
The groups in the Northern Alliance are the Kachin Independence Organisation, Arakan Army, Palaung State Liberation Front/Ta’ang National Liberation Army and Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army.