School Teacher Attacked in Sumprabum

A 26-year-old teacher in a government school was attacked and beaten in Sumprabum, Kachin State, by two workers from the Yadanarbon phone company over the weekend.
N’sen Lu Bu, who works in Sumprabum high school, was hit on the head from behind while looking for vegetables in the jungle around the highway on Saturday. She was with her friend, Nang Lum Awng, who is also a school teacher, at the time.
N’rang Sam Naw, N’sen Lu Bu’s uncle, told KNG that two workers followed the teachers before attacking his niece, according to her account.
“I don’t know what they were going to do. Teacher Nang Lum Awng [said she] screamed loudly and called the police on the phone. The two workers ran away while she was on the phone,” N’rang Sam Naw said.
The motivation for the attack remains unclear.
Officials from the Yadanarbon phone company reportedly came to see the teachers on Sunday and requested that they not open a case against the two workers. The teachers did not comply and will follow through with action against the alleged attackers.