
Chinese Nationals Deported for Violating Immigration, Forestry Laws

Five of eight people sent back to China had been found to be working on a tissue culture banana plantation on protected forest land.

Eight Chinese nationals were deported from Kachin State last week after being charged with violating Burma’s Immigration Act.

The individuals were living in Waingmaw Township and reportedly lacked travel documents. Three of the people in question were sent back to China on June 28 and five more on June 29.

The first three were arrested at the Sadon inspection gate on June 5, and the other five were arrested in a protected forest area near Aung Myae-2 village while working on a tissue culture banana cultivation plantation.

Waingmaw Township immigration officer Ah Se told KNG that the individuals arrested from the banana plantation were charged with violating both the immigration act and the forestry act.

“For violating the immigration act, the judge sentenced them to pay 500,000 kyat (US$329) as a fine or spend six months in prison. They paid the fine. For the forestry act case, the judge sentenced them to pay 300,000 kyat ($197) as a fine,” he explained.

Four more Chinese nationals remain in the Waingmaw Myoma police detention for both lacking appropriate travel documents and for having been found to be working in protected forest areas. They are awaiting trial.

According to immigration officer Ah Se, two were arrested in the Shwe Nyaung Pin forest and two were arrested in the Nam Wah forest, and they have already paid their fines for violating the immigration act.

“Now they are still facing trial at court for the case with the charges under the forestry act,” he said.

Burmese police previously deported 11 Chinese nationals on June 13 for not having valid travel documents.

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