KIA Ambushes Regime Vehicle Convoy In Chipwi

The Burma Army (BA) has suffered casualties in a raid by Kachin Independence Army (KIA) Brigade 4 (Battalion 4) on its convoy of four vehicles at the entrance of Chipwi Township while travelling from Myitkyina in Kachin State.
“There weren’t that many soldiers in the convoy, which was mainly carrying food rations,” said a KIA officer at the front, explaining that they attacked them between Lor Hser and Sanikhu villages in Shangaw village tract because they knew the soldiers would take that route.
He said three BA troops were killed and at least five injured in the attack at 11am on 8 September on the convoy carrying 20 BA soldiers.
After the raid, it was forced to retreat back to the Kachin State capital, locals told KNG. Since last year’s coup, the armed group has frequently attacked junta vehicles transporting essential items for the military to the township.