Youth Mission Brings Medical Aid to Remote Kachin Villages

This is the sixth year that the group has provided medical assistance to impoverished villagers during the rainy season.
Youths from the A Lin Thet Media Mission Group, based in Waingmaw Township, provided medical treatment to more than 5,000 villagers living in remote parts of Kachin State over a period of three weeks in July.
According to the person in charge of the group, a total of 5,164 people in 20 villages in the Sadon and Kambaiti areas of Waingmaw Township received treatment during the 20-day mission to provide healthcare during the rainy season.
“Our youths from the A Lin Thit Media Mission Group provided medical treatment to people in remote areas. We are working for God. We showed our brave heart to people who needed assistance. I am so sad to see their difficulties,” Z. Kham Xin, the group’s leader, told KNG.
According to Z. Kham Xin, many of the people he met suffered from seasonal flu, diarrhea, and malaria. They also faced economic hardship in the area, he said.
Nay Win, Kachin State’s minister of municipal affairs, also joined the group in providing food and medical supplies to people in his constituency.
The A Lin Thit Media Mission Group has provided medical assistance during the rainy season to people living in remote areas of the state every year for the past six years.
The group was formed in 2002 by Lhao Vo youths as a religious mission dedicated to helping other members of their ethnic group.