
People’s Administration Started in Captured Town in Indaw Township

A consortium of resistance forces has begun establishing a civilian administration in Maw Luu despite the town in Sagaing Region being emptied of its residents, who fled fighting with the regime after its recent capture.

A person working with the recently assembled ‘People’s Administration’ said the town in Indaw Township, next to Kachin State, has six wards, and 12 people will run these, with 2 for each area under the town’s council.

Kachin Independence Army, All Burma Students’ Democratic Front, and Indaw People’s Defense Force seized Maw Luu from State Administration Council (SAC) on December 13. They met to discuss the implementation of the administration two days later when they chose the members and sketched out a plan.

“The head of the People’s Administration Committee for Indaw Township will lead the committee in Maw Luu. His deputy will be the head of urban security affairs. Following this, the 12 appointees from each ward will run all administration affairs,” the source explained.

According to a resident, SAC attacked the town with a jet fighter on the same day it was captured. “This is why we are still hiding in a safer area because we fear airstrikes.” He said only the young people remain to guard their homes.

The town with 3,000 homes is the first to set up its own administration system in the township. Resistance groups have already started installing civilian rule in villages captured in the last few months in the area.

Resistance forces across the country has captured hundreds of bases and several towns since Three Brotherhood Alliance launched its 1027 Operation on October 27.

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